Due to complications with permitting this program is being pushed to the 2024-2025 winter season
Indian Peaks Junior Skimo Club
The Indian Peaks Junior Skimo Club is an exciting new program geared towards getting more kids skiing uphill. This program is currently only for Middle School and High School aged students.
The purpose of the club is to drive more interest in human powered uphill skiing, safe backcountry access, fitness and to nurture and develop the next generation of endurance athletes. All members must be able to comfortably ski blue runs.
Whether you are looking to just check out uphill skiing for the first time or want to train at a serious level, this club is for you.
Final details are quickly getting finalized but here's what we have so far:
Cost: $30 (scholarships are available. Must have an Ikon Pass, Eldora Pass or Eldora Uphill Pass). Membership provides access to HUGE partner discounts.
Required Equipment:
Touring/Skimo set up (skis, boots, bindings, skins, poles) *demo setups may be available but are not guaranteed
Appropriate cold weather ski apparel (gloves/mittens, bibs/pants, base layer, jacket, etc)
Helmet/sunglasses or goggles
Ski poles
Back Pack (preferably a backcountry or skimo pack)
Dates/Times: Wednesday Mornings 7am-9am.
Registration: Postponed to the 24-25 winter season
Interested in making a cash or gear donation? You can make a donation on our DONATE page and you can email gavin@peaktopeakendurance.com to discuss a gear donation.